Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Can't think of a clever title today...

(How's that for a title?) What this month has helped me to see is what I want out of my daily/weekly schedule. My little time away that I mentioned in my last post was really good. I was able to set some clear goals for this year in lots of areas. It helped me to get a clear vision of how I want things to be structured. It also showed me how close I am to it AND how much further away I am than I want to be.

I found myself this morning praying for the faith to trust the Lord more. I know I'm over-committed in my schedule and it really all boils down to an issue of trust. It's way more about that than any time-management skills or techniques. I'm so thankful that the Lord is gracious with us as we struggle through our issues of faith. Oh for grace to trust Him more...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Discipline #2 - Scheduling (choosing the "best" over the "good")

It's a new month and time for a new discipline. Last month my focus was on being a continual learner which was a building block for this whole journey through discipline. This month is another building block. It is all about setting a schedule and sticking to it.

I have to confess that I don't live by a schedule. For some reason, a schedule feels like one of two things to me...

1. Set-up for Failure: What if I build a schedule for myself and don't do it perfectly? Gasp! I'm reminded what my boss teaches about failure. He says that we learn the important stuff through failure. We learn to walk by falling down. We learn to eat by missing our mouths. And last month's book, "The Relief of Imperfection" (which I haven't finished yet - ironic, huh?)was all about tackling this fear of failure thing.

2. Restriction: Somewhere along the way I've developed a feeling that following a schedule is very restrictive - almost like punishment. I don't know where that wacky thought comes from - all I know is that I butt up against it every time I think about setting a schedule. As I was thinking it through this morning, I was reminded of this scripture...

"All things are legitimate [permissible--and we are free to do anything we please], but not all things are helpful (expedient, profitable, and wholesome). All things are legitimate, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life]." (I Cor 10:23, Amplified)

Maybe I need to be reminding myself that I have FREEDOM to do whatever I want but that I might find MORE FREEDOM in making my time do what I want and not being a slave to doing whatever is most URGENT.

I'm tired of feeling like the tail is wagging the dog. Something's gotta give. So this month is all about working towards better time management. We've all got the same 24 hours and I CAN do everything that I choose is important (everything that passes my "personal priority test"). It's about choosing what is best over what is good. And that looks different for each of us.

I was in a group last week where the discussion was all about taking control of your time and the scripture we were discussing was Genesis 1:28...

"Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”" (NIV)

From the very beginning, God has told us to "have dominion" - not just be mindless about our actions, decisions and time choices. The implication is to "TAKE" dominion - that it is a deliberate choice to set things in order.

My next step in this journey is to get some alone time on Thursday and do some journaling and calendar work. I'll let you know how it goes. I'd love to know your thoughts on how you keep a control on your time. What do you do that works for you?

By the way, this month's personal development book is one I just found yesterday - "How Did I Get So Busy?" by Valorie Burton. (I actually found it on the Bargain rack at Mardels for a buck!) It is a 28-day plan/journal/book about reclaiming your schedule and reconnecting with what matters most. I figure there are 28 days in this month so that will be perfect! One of today's challenges is to think through what my ideal day would look like. I'm gonna tackle that on Thursday - I'll keep you updated.