Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I'm feeling a little frustrated this morning. I'm almost halfway through the month and I haven't started any of my daily devos. I'm not sure why it is such a challenge for me. I'm making good progress on my other reading (The Relief of Imperfection is AMAZING - I think it should be required reading for every woman!) but this one always trips me up.

I think the biggest hurdle is simply creating a set time for it - and honestly that is a big goal for this entire project. I've got to get my head (and heart) around building a daily schedule and working it out each day. (While knowing that I won't do it perfectly, but I'll still be making progress)

Does anyone else struggle with this? What have you done to make it work for you? I could really use some input.

On that note, here is a quote from The Relief of Imperfection...(pg 19)

"Perfectionism wears many faces, includes all personality styles and cuts across cultural lines. It doesn't always line up canned goods in alphabetical order on the kitchen shelf, wash a car in freezing weather, shine shoes when they don't need it, refuse to leave the house if one hair is out of place, or insist that a report be edited endlessly. Perfectionism is more subtle than that. It has to do with unreasonable expectations - how we belittle ourselves and others for having HUMAN (we translate that word as "weak") thoughts and emotions, inconsistent faith or less-than-excellent plans, accomplishments, families, bodies or dreams."

1 comment:

  1. Rising early....nothing but a cup of java and read....even if it is only a small portion that I can take with me in my head and dig it into my heart the rest of the day....only way sister for me, otherwise the world and all it offers in the way of "stuff" mows over me before I even realize it! God bless you as you find the space...
