Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tired of Juggling?

I've officially started re-reading my first book that I told you about - it really is very thought-provoking. Here is one of the core premises of the book...

"The conventional image of a successful woman today is that she's a virtuoso juggler, somehow moving fast enough to keep all the many aspects of her busy life in the air at the same time...A strong life is the opposite of juggling. Juggling requires you to keep everything at bay, up in the air, away from you. The secret to living a strong life lies in knowing how to draw a few things in toward you. It asks you to be discriminating, selective, intentional." (pg 8 of introduction)

There's that word that keeps popping up - intentional. So is it really possible that by juggling less I could be more fulfilled? And is it allowed? :) Cause let's face it ladies, we can be master jugglers and sometimes we think the world will fall apart if we stop juggling. Interesting to think that by focusing on LESS (intentionally, of course), I could actually become MORE of who I want to be.

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